Laboratories - Tandetron
Lecce Tandetron Laboratory was set-up in the High Energies building since 2000 in the Cittadella della Ricerca in Brindisi, about 35 km from Lecce, The building houses the accelerator hall, the control and meeting rooms, the chemical laboratories for sample preparation, the mechanical and electronics workshops, the offices for researchers and administration.
The lab takes its name from a 3 MV Tandetron accelerator manufactured by High Voltage Engineering Europa.
The accelerator hall is 40 m long and 15 m wide. The control room, where the control electronics and the computers are housed, is separated from the accelerator hall by a 50 cm thick concrete wall. All the peripheral systems for water cooling, air conditioning and compressed air are in the building basement or outside.
Two separate UPS-units are available: the first (60 KW) for the accelerator and the second for the control electronics (8 KW). In case of power failure the system can be kept in stand-by for more than 3 hours and in operating conditions (with the accelerator). Each system has its own spare system in order to allow a continuous operation of the machine either in case of technical problems or during maintenance. For safety reason the control electronics is kept electrically separated from the accelerator system and communicates with it via a light guides system.